September 2001

---- Original Message -----
From: "Arkhon" <tralala@cs.com>
To: <aislings@topica.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: AW: [A-ML] (LONG POST) (...)

> (take into consideration 3 of the five are some of those who worte
> this strict law and 2 are more elitist then anyone on a-ml and thats
> including pashura deksar feena and manipulator)

Alright, that does it!

Next person who makes a list of elitist people and doesn't include Etienne will be banished from the list and I'll be sure to find a way to PK the ex-subscriber's characters whenever they are in Temuair!

Who do you think you are, you bunch of... non-Atavic two-digiter!


"The only saving grace of the present is that it's
too damned stupid to question the past very closely."
-- H.P. Lovecraft

"Yes indeed!"
-- D.M. Rodeguero



September 2001

At 20:19 26/09/01 -0300, you wrote:
>Who do you think you are, you bunch of... non-Atavic two-digiter!

Well... Not sure what they (two-digiters) think. I can talk for myself, as a three digiter as i am :-)

I think i once saw in a dictionary what elitist means, and it had a picture; a picture with the faces of some aislings... and no, your face was not in the picture.

Nephthys - who can´t explain why she was named with an heretical name by her parents


September 2001

Hey Etienne ... how could you be an elite? You don't even have a ' in your name! A true elite RPer puts at least one ' in his/her character name.

Yer puppa,


September 2001

HEY! Deoch 9 (ONE DIGIT!! HAHAHA!!) talking here!!

Why aren't I elite? ;_; I wanna be elite! *cries*



September 2001

Pheh! And double pheh! And 2.5x pheh!

Just for that I am signing you up for the "Naked Goblin" pigeon mail service.

aka "Deksar sagart-K'sull"

In a message dated 9/26/01 8:29:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
timber_of_da@email.somewhere writes:

<< Hey Etienne ... how could you be an elite? You don't even have a ' in your
name! A true elite RPer puts at least one ' in his/her character name.

Yer puppa, >>


September 2001

> Pheh! And double pheh! And 2.5x pheh!
> Just for that I am signing you up for the "Naked Goblin" pigeon mail service.
> Matt
> aka "Deksar sagart-K'sull"

Hey! I am the founder of that service! Well in the late Deoch 15 the Swanbergian Co. bought it ... but now I think it's sold to Swanberg & Swanberg Ltd. (who's most famous product is the Sucubbus spray, wich was a top selling product untill Deoch 10 when that came to light that it was not D10 compatible).

~Widow Calean Aleyha VanGrub aka Timber the red Baroness ^^


September 2001

Would knowing that I used to call you "the obnoxious wizard" anytime you came up in conversation with Ven's mentor make you feel better? ;p

> Alright, that does it!
> Next person who makes a list of elitist people and doesn't include
> Etienne will be banished from the list and I'll be sure to find a way
> to PK the ex-subscriber's characters whenever they are in Temuair!
> Who do you think you are, you bunch of... non-Atavic two-digiter!



September 2001

Hey wait a minute Arkhon, I didn't write it nor am I elitist. Malicus didn't start it either. Hejust wrote the most resent version. Go in town hall and readthat board, you see many other authors of the same law, from, well, Deochs ago.
hmm ok sorry I just went there. You know how boards advance fast. But there was a law by Graynemeade I am sure, and I think Omner, but not sure on Omner. Now the same law is rewritten by Kezef and also Malicus.
Since is has been and still keeps coming up, Demas must try to deal with it. We inherit what others start.
It's such a touchy matter that no one can agree and has been the point of much heated debate.
<grins> Just as it is here.

Gaela <still trying to become elite> =P
I am a single digit.. good start?


September 2001

Dear AMLer and ex-DAMler!

Our living online encyclopedia and all around nice vineyard owner with doggie needs our support in this time of hardship: Let us all decide to publish an official Aisling-Resolution - nay, a LAW - that Etienne Suarven Lorneau (sp?) is officially one of the L33t Elderly in Temuair

and whoever else would like to be.

I would also propose a movement to declare the name "Estara" a rare gaelic name and - even if this is not our Dark Ages - to be judged worthy of preservation and cherishing. In fact I would like to apply for the position of L33t Middler having gotten the spark in Deoch 10 (Meranna in Deoch 6, but who is counting :))


*nod nod*
Estara :)


September 2001

I vote Diego for L33T, Estara for Rare Gaelic Name, and myself (deoch 9) for L33T n trng.




September 2001

>Dear AMLer and ex-DAMler!
>Our living online encyclopedia and all around nice vineyard owner with doggie needs our support in
>this time of hardship: Let us all decide to publish an official Aisling-Resolution - nay, a LAW -
>that Etienne Suarven Lorneau (sp?) is officially one of the L33t Elderly in Temuair

Huh. I don't know about that. He's not crotchety enough.
I should be a member post mortem, as Kedian is dead, dead, dead.
Cliona too.

>and whoever else would like to be.

Manipulator? That upstart? *grins* And Deksar too, hnm....
I actually nominate Deksar for "Most In Need of Hooked on Phonics in a RPG setting".
Manipulator gets my nod for "The King of L33t".
Cliona would be "Most Capable of Reducing Other Aislings to Cinders".
I nominate Angelic for "Aisling Most Likely to Be A Buddha One Day".

>I would also propose a movement to declare the name "Estara" a rare gaelic name and - even if this
>is not our Dark Ages - to be judged worthy of preservation and cherishing. In fact I would like to
>apply for the position of L33t Middler having gottin the spark in Deoch 10 (Meranna in Deoch 6, but
>who is counting :))

"Estara" is actually the cutest name in the known universe (Quiet, Etienne). Besides, you are definitely worthy of preservation and cherishing, just ask anyone. Let's stuff you and Swanberg and put you on display in the Loures Hall of Heroes (awaiting funding, coming soon to a castle near you).
Man...a Temuair wax museum??? THAT WOULD BE COOL!


p.s. My vote for Etienne goes to "pain in the ass", but that's just because
I love him to death. *grins*


September 2001

Hooked on phonics 'horked fer me.

aka "Matt"

In a message dated 9/27/01 12:06:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, aml@email.somewhere writes:

<< Manipulator? That upstart? *grins* And Deksar too, hnm....
I actually nominate Deksar for "Most In Need of Hooked on Phonics in a RPG setting".
Manipulator gets my nod for "The King of L33t".
Cliona would be "Most Capable of Reducing Other Aislings to Cinders".
I nominate Angelic for "Aisling Most Likely to Be A Buddha One Day". >>


September 2001

Addendum from Ayshilin:

I think I may qualify also as a now elderly citizen of the lands



(( who cant sent to DAML cos its my old email :P ))

Which means I add her to the L33t Elderly list ;)


I would like to feature this thread from Etienne's outburst onwards on Aisling Spark. Is that okay with you various posters? I think it's hilarious and in good humor :)

Estara :)


September 2001


I still wondering why Manip is classify as that.. :P
... anyway I liked it! so is better not complain and let it be...

Respect me ETIENNE Im the L33t King named by Emperor of L33t Kedian!

Look out King Bruce.. Manip is comming...

I wanna vote Veneficus to L33t... so the Deoch 7 Squad who controled the Gobs population in Astrid during deoch 8 will be complet! :P

*stands around Mileth asking votes* ohh well..

Rafael Esberard
aka Manipulator


September 2001

Yes! Etienne is one true l33t

And Estara, your name is so very Gaelic, maybe of some ancient form of ancient Gaelic that some people just don't recognize it as Gaelic name.

Hey! i think i should be L33t too, oh yeah i even have that " ' " in my last name ,heh heh

Migar (Yes my last name is D'Rouge so im l33t RPer)


September 2001

I am exaggerating, I know. A milder example, then.

There is chocolate in Temuair. The "Woman's sweethear" item is chocolate. Should anyone argue about that, well, Angelic has an item called "Godiva Chocolate". Will you say that is not chocolate, too?

Chocolate came from the Aztecs. Of course there are none in Temuair. So what? Are there Coral pieces in mines anywhere in Europe?

Know what this Grand Elite (I'm not Elite. Elite is for people from after Deoch 1. I'm Grand Elite.) player did about it? I wrote "Chocolate", a cute little History entry that explains the history of chocolate in Temuair.

No, it's not a matter of making up reasons fo everything to exist there. It's a matter of accepting what is feasible there, and adapting. Or do you really think noTemuairan cook ever decided to make a round bread and cover with cheese - which is the main ingredient of pizza, and not tomato - ?


"The only saving grace of the present is that it's too damned stupid to question the past very closely."
-- H.P. Lovecraft



A few facts
September 2001

1.    Being elite isn't really something to be proud of.
2.    Saying you're elite doesn't make you elite.  If you have to say it, you were never it to begin with.
3.    Anyone who proclaims to be elite is a freakin' idiot, and should be shot.  

Multiple times.  In their genitals.  With bullets coated in an acidic solution. I mean, come on.  Putting stupid labels on ourselves and eachother like this is so ignorant.  "What makes you right?" you may ask?  Well, I have a simple answer:  I'm always right.  I'm MATT.

So, let's review, shall we?  What have we learned from this e-mail?

1.    You're not elite.
2.    Elite is bad.
3.    I'm always right.

I'm sorry you had to learn the hard way, but this had to be done.  Tomorrow's lesson... "How to give praise to Wisal"..  Study hard, friends!

~ObnoxiousMatt, player of Wisal


September 2001


    I vote Wisal to L33t group!!!
    He is great... and thru his visions.. he deserve that curse!!! 

*backs to study "How to give praise to Wisal"* 

Rafael Esberard
aka Manipulator


September 2001


i just don't think that it exists....aislings that are 'elite' don't exist...

i mean...really...

*rolls eyes*

~the OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so freaking bored one~


September 2001

Me too..

I think this is all a kidding to pick on Etienne...
or not?

2 cents,

aka Manipulator


September 2001

Ahem. I, Matt, dissassociate myself from this use of my name as quoted ^^;

Anyway, an 'elitist' by a more accurate definition is someone who thinks they are better then everyone else. Elitists are extremists who believe only their ideal is correct and all the other people are idiots, because they believe they are better then everyone else so of course they can never be wrong.

So who are you to judge who thinks they are better then everyone else? Isn't that a form of elitism? Or were you just adding onto the sarcasm tone of your post? ^^;

aka "Deksar"


September 2001

Now that I have declared myself Grand Elite because I am from Deoch 1 and therefore better than everybody else, I will put my words on top of other messages so you all remember how superior I am.

I give Deksar, this poor non-Atavism Aisling, credit on this issue; as I was writing my reply to this thread I received his, which says nearly
the same I was going to. I would, however, give more emphasis to the limitations:

"On a recent visit to the Chaos Pits, while looking for Mythril Boots to make us look a bit more Elite, our group came across a Batuss and killed it. We heard the sound of an item dropping as it died, and thought it could be a pair of boots. Much to our surprise, however, we saw this little rectangular artifact on the gound. Not even Jean could tell us exactly what it is. The only clue we have so far is the odd 'Intel Inside' inscription on it. We had a good Gem Polisher open it for us, so we could see what exactly this 'Intel' is. It must be some kind of magic we do not yet know how to manipulate, for there was nothing visible in the interior of the artifact."

Hmm. To aggregate Mani's reply.

> "So perhaps the real question should be: what ARE the basics of
> the 'Temuairan Roleplaying Environment'?"

> Common-sense.

There is a gigantic step between someone making a round bread and covering it with cheese and tomato sausage and baking it, and making a laser beam.

The argument is fruitless, as Deksar said. It will, again, come down to what each of us thinks is appropriate. The makers of the game thought chocolate was. Based on that, I will apply all my Grand Elitism to defend the idea that pizza also is. But I make use of Mani's mention of common sense to say computers and lasers are not.

To conclude, I say all contrary opinions are worthless, because mine is the only right one, as I am Grand Elite, proud of it, and proclaim it for both worlds to hear!


"Get out of my sight, you two-digit newbie!"
-- Etienne S. Lorneau,
Grand Elite


September 2001

d00d, u r so l33t...

s0m3t1m3s 1 ju5t n33d 2 sp33k w4r3z d00d l4ngu4g3 4 a l1ttl3 wh1l3, s0rr33...

--- Wisal wrote:
> 1. Being elite isn't really something to be proud
> of.

Joseph Daverin


September 2001

>Or were you just adding onto the sarcasm tone of your post? ^^;

::grins::  You know me.. You can never tell!       

Sarcasm is my biggest asset.  So you can bet that was part of it.  I use the "Because I'm right" line in a lot of my posts when I think a subject is ridiculous.
 People get into such a big, heated debate, that I try to be as under-the-table funny as possible.  That comedic undertone is usually what keeps people from jumping on me.
      Really, though, I hate labels.
 Every RPG-ish thing I've ever joined has started with me being the lowest guy around, with all these people who could kill me 500 times before I hit the ground.
 And then, because I'm SO awesome (insert sarcasm), I'd somehow end up being the top guy there in no time at all, and everyone would start hating me just because I liked to roleplay a little "harder" than they did.
      So, I take great offense when people use stupid terms like Elite and Newbie, because it's just like judging someone by their age..  I may be 18, but I can write better than probably 75% of the people that are older than me.  And I know many others like me (most TEN times better at writing than I am) who feel the same way.
      So, the sooner people stop labeling others, the sooner we'll all have a kickass time.

~The always right (hah) Matt, player of the always misguided (you betcha) Wisal.


September 2001

Hohoho! Well, if you all didn't know already, Wisal is actually my pet! I get all the credit! Yay for me~ I trained him. Yup. ::nod nod:: Now, get back in your pocket! ::stuffs Matt in her coat pocket::  ...

~ (Lenoa)


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