» A young bard enters a small tavern
north of the port of Abel. He almost falls backwards as a large crowd
of people greet him.
Sayle, a young priest who has come to join the festivities, is chasing
a young barmaid around. Imajica, a smirk on her face, rasberries Paladine,
who, holding the money box, rasberries back. Pasha, watching all the
interactions, shakes his head and looks up, muttering something intelligible.
The young bard manages to find a place in the back. Anthea, having
to keep running to the rest room changing dresses, is very indecisive
about which look is better for story telling.
Estara, grinning lightly at the joyful playfulness of all those in
the inn, takes a seat on a large bench next to Swanberg. She puffs
up her chest and, with a very commanding style, screams "Cow".
Everyone immediately quiets down, looking at her in a most peculiar
way. Mind Torakak, who, wearing his cow mask, only replies with "Moo."
A normal night for the Abel Tavern.
Paladine walks to the shelf behind the bar and pulls out the volume
called "Abel Tavern Tales" and pulls up a fresh parchment.
He prepares himself to add ogres, fae, laughing, drinking, interactions,
drama, and horror all to this little book.
Would you care to join, friends?
Join us on a journey of storytelling, a night never to be forgotten
as we explore the Abel Tavern Tales...«
~ Paladine Meatha, compiler of the Abel Tavern