Aislings on the Net
This page showcases some of the sites that players of Dark Ages have
created for and about Temuair. While there is a link page on the Dark
Ages site, it is hardly ever updated, and there are so many useful pages
out there, that I want to feature my pick of the best pages and their
contents. For the record, DISCONTINUED means the site content is still
there but it is no longer being updated.
This time around I will also include pages
by the players that don't have anything to do with Temuair,
as well as generally useful web resources for other players
who like things like anime, role-playing, computer games and
website design. Widening the scope like this, please bear
with me if not all of my favourites get integrated right away.
If you think a site is missing, you can always submit suggestions
by using the mailto-link at the lower right of this page.
I will reserve the right to not accept everything though,
since these are *my* favourites.
By the way, if
you would like to link me, these are my linkgraphics. Rightclick
and save it to your site and just call it Aisling Spark:
courtesy of Bentic Stedwinn, Tuatha
de Deo (100x55).
courtesy of Kouga from the Kouga
Dojo (100x40).
courtesy of Triza from Triza's
Monk Site (364x112).
Here's the html code to use, if you want to copy it, but of
course you have to add your own site address:
href="" target="_blank"><img
width="???" height="???" border="0"
alt="Aisling Spark"></a>
I would like to point out (because of German
Law) that I am in no way responsible for the content
of the sites that I link to in good faith and that no
site will get added to this link page without being properly
legal and vetted by me personally, just like it is written
out in this disclaimer.